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the comic!


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Why did VERN start her own comic?

Welcome to VERN!!! the Comic! This is a special little Sunday feature brought to you by the fine Acadian makers of FRAMED!!! and is all about Damonk's kickass kid sis who has appeared on occasion in his comic, as a sort of guest weekend hostess.

VERN is was created partially in response to another comic about a cartoonist's kid sis -- Meaghan Quinn's KARN, which took the webcomic world by storm just recently! And if you're looking for my sis to be like Meaghan's sis, be prepared to be disappointed. Vern is, to put it quite bluntly, the Anti-KARN, and this comic was created to reflect that. Now don't get me wrong -- they may be different, but they're BOTH cool. Just don't expect them to hang around with each other much anytime soon.

So with that said, sit back, and enjoy my kid sis as she lets you take a quick weekly peek into her world -- VERN's world.

(MORE STUFF, like LINKS and actual VERN ART and such will be coming SOON!)
For now, go read some Eat The Roses or J-Walkin'!

(Back to FRAMED!!!)